Quality control
Single and Multiple Color Comparison
Color Strength
Whiteness, Yellowness and Brightness Analysis
Multifiber and Rub Blotting Evaluation
"Quality control criteria can be analyzed by entering separate pass/fail limits for DL-DA-DB and DE in all color spaces. It also has the ability to see the effects and strength differences of the same shades of 2 different paint companies."
Ability to check opacity separately on black and white surfaces and test after rubbing and washing fastness
Recipe Calculation
Automatic Recipe Calculation
Preparing a Correction Prescription
Preparing Supplement Prescription
Manual Recipe Preparation
Smart Recipe
"It allows you to develop recipe solutions for dyehouses and laboratories. It accelerates your testing processes and allows you to see optimum results in recipes."
After you easily add the paints of the paint companies you work with to the system, it allows you to get recipes with the lowest error value by using these paints.
Paints and Archiving
Groups belonging to all paint companies come pre-installed with the system.
Ability to create detailed paint cards
Screens where you can define your own paint groups with your own backgrounds and monitor detailed expansion accuracy for each paint.
Ability to Scan Colors and Recipes from the Archive
Saving Prescriptions to Archive Manually
Unlimited Archiving Feature
Technical details
It provides the ability to encrypt user files by defining an unlimited number of users.
Ability to receive reports in Turkish and English
It provides the possibility to impose usage restrictions on files and all functions.
Light Sources: A, A_M&S, C, CWF, D50, D55, D65, D65_M&S, D65_SPL, D75, D75_SPL, F02, F07, F11, Hor_SPL, TL83, TL84, TL84_M&S, TL85, U30, U35 , LED_U30, LEDT8G
Color Spaces: CIELab, CIELch, CIE94 (1:1:1), CIE94 (2:1:1), CIE2000, CMC(1:1), CMC(2:1), HunterLab
Import and export of color and paint files with QTX, DAT, EXP and MDB extensions
ISO105-A04 Staining and ISO105-A05 Color Change to Gray Beard
Yellowness measurement indices: ASTM D1925-70 and ASTM E313-73
Whiteness / Optical viewing indices: CIE W.I. , ASTM E313 W.I. , GANZ W.I. , Berger W.I. , HARRISSON W.I. , STENSBY W.I. , STEPHANSES W.I. , TAUBE W.I.
It keeps files in the database with its automatic backup feature.